Sunday 30 November 2014

Early Thoughts / Ideas Regarding Thriller Film Opening

Brief synopsis
(Key; // = new shot)

Feet climbing stairs//

Person enters darkened room - silhouette of man in window//
  • Dark lighting, cold hues (blues)
Knife raised to stab//

Sound bridge of body dropping to floor over corpse being dragged into alleyway//

3 girls washing hands in bathroom - close up of blood being washed down drain (ambitious as to which sink)//

Girls walking through crowd//
  • Potentially in front of the market or on St. Stephens, locations chosen due to contrast of events and Christmas light
Photographs of three girls, introducing them

City / shop window / house / school bathroom

Victim - man
3 suspects - all girls

  • Either blood down sink - ambiguous as to whodunnit
  • Camera shots of walking through crowd, split off and walk in opposite directions.

Music - dreamy, operatic / classical (Pavarotti?)
Costume - either go for classic femme fatale, or a less clichéd look, i.e. trainers, skinny jeans etc.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sam for posting your early ideas. Suggestions:

    To add grit and intensify enigma and suspense and using a situation which is recognisable particularly with regard to high crime rates of women being abused or killed by their partners.

    Rather than peddle out the traditional femme fatale who is deviant and thus bad provide a back story which is part of the zeitgeist.

    1) Over shoulder shot of man at window, low angle.

    2) Shadow of girl carrying knife (or use a lamp chiaroscuro lighting) with light catching the knife. She comes behind him

    3) Flashback of girl being beaten by bloke.....using tilts

    4) Knife striking (inspiration, Marion Crane getting killed in the shower scene in "Psycho)

    4) Return to flash back, girl being dragged (my idea comes from Lisbeth Salandar's revenge on her rapist in "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" by the bloke...

    5) Girl leaves apartment (real time) and meets up with friends, shots of Norwich at night with wobbly out of focus shots of lights.

    6) Cut to her victim....he is not dead and is reaching for his phone, or .....

    7) Washroom scene if you wish to use this,,,,,girl goes to wash her hands and her girl friends see blood on her face or hands.

    8) Cliff hanger with quick edits between real time cutting to flash back. Girl with her friends cutting to shots of her victim hauling himself back to life....

    This adds to terror, the fact the girl's victim has not been bumped off intensifies suspense and the possibilities of future action........

    Have a think.....
