Monday 19 January 2015

Costume For Protagonist / Anti-Hero

Our protagonist aims to break the stereotype of typical feminine roles in the thriller genre.
By dressing in all black and not in a stereotypical feminine way, she dismantles the assumed femme fatale archetype which she is presumed to be due to her gender, and is shown to be the flawed protagonist / anti-hero of the film.

Red lipstick alludes to blood, and also the idea of power and authority.
It also has connotations of sex and / or sexuality, but by not hyper sexualising the character, it shows that she is not necessarily deviant or promiscuous, but someone who lives how she likes to and celebrates that - again aiming to destroy the idea of 'slut-shaming' (such a horrible term).

The leather jacket is a timeless symbol of resistance and deviance, hence why our character is wearing one.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for uploading costume ideas, in order to strengthen reference texts which have inspired your ideas.

    One point, stereotypes relates to characters not to props or objects. Instead say something like .....costume design reflects the conventions of the genre. For example black suggests noir thrillers such as.........

    Conventions not stereotypes.
