Thursday, 2 April 2015

Final Project First Draft

This is just a first edit of the film, only put on the blog so critic is possible.


  1. Possible revisions:

    1) At 0.37 add in TV static noise you can download this from the internet, this would increase tension and provide a link to past events and indicate the girl's instability (static like a voice in the head) whilst adding grit. Keep this going till 0.51 or longer . At 1.47 hold the fade a little longer. When Ellie puts earphones on the music needs to blast out until it hurts!!!!

    "2) You could search You Tube Unsigned Metal Band (Shattering Silence)
    An excellent sound and would give your film a Tarantino/David Lynch type tough wackiness, such as the sound track at the end of the title sequence of David Lynch's "Wild at Heart". The track I identified is metal and would throw a punch at the audience and contradict the passive female stereotype.
    3) You Tube search: Wild at Heart (intro & opening scene) . In this opening (one of the most powerful I've seen in a thriller, David Lynch begins with a section Richard Straus's "Four Last Songs" and ends with a blast of heavy rock. This is enormously effective...have a look.

    I strongly advise these revisions to up the anti.

    I think you said you were using your own track for the cliff hanger, a good sound but not enough to rattle the nerves....think also of the music used in Psycho which pulls no punches. Be bold!

  2. Static or white noise would be good at 0.37 etc.
